Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Due to School

Hi! Well, yeah, duh! Haven't been on here much.  Tooo much school!  And uh, oh, I wish I could remember school better, then I wouldn't have to work extra hard.  I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up.  But I guess I can tell you what I want for Christmas.  This is a item, I probably have not told my family, but have told Santa and someone who keeps asking me, and I have said this for ... 3 years now.  I guess Santa doesn't think I need it.  A Remote Controlled Truck!! It has to run on rocks, sand,dirt, cement, and up inclines.  You know those (bigger then a quarter)  white rocks on roads? Well, that's we have covering our sandy driveway.
So that's what I want for Christmas! And since you don't know where I live, you can send it with Santa!
P.S. Tell Santa I'll be at my sister's house for Christmas.

-- Postopialucy!!  Hope yall had a thankful Thanksgivin'!