Monday, February 27, 2012

Nervous. First Hair Cut coming up!

Okay, So I don't get on very much, because I do have school, house moving with some friends, house renting cleaning, crazy stuff.  But today, I'm a bit scared cause I gonna have my hair cut.  All of my life, my mom has just gotten it trimmed here and there. But never got it really cut.  I've already looked at some hair doo's pictures at the lady hair place.  And I think I picked out something, just not scary, just to make my mom go okay, and get it short.  I mean, like Shoulder short, Right now my hair is around the area of... uhh, mid-back.  Wish me luck.  Maybe after its cut, I be able to run up the stairs faster and lighter.  I been told that when somebody's hair gets cut, its lighter feeling.  But I have no clue what to do with styling it.  I hope it won't be too hard.  Mom just wants it cut so I'll (maybe) stop making it a ponytail and my neck level.  She hates that!  But to me, the wind blows alot here where I live, so Its like the easiest thing.  The song in my head right now, "Its a hard-knock life"  and also being mixed up with it is (I don't know the title but "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me.

-- Second blog post, Postopialucy'

Monday, February 13, 2012

Her First Blog Post

umm, okay, so this is what the begging of a blog post is. Interesting. I don't even have a blog on my real email. So first off, if you find this, if anybody finds this and reads this. I should give you online information. My internet name is " Postopialucy" --Well, duh,

  The Explaining of that name. Well, I used to go this this site done by a cereal brand "Post Cereals". They used to have a kid game site named "" -- Which is now a retired place. Gone. Poof. They did have some pretty good games there, even though it was mixed with their advertising their cereal. The Word "Lucy" is a mismatched nickname (that I don't exactly care for. - The nickname that is). Anyway, thats confusing. I mean, Lucy is a nickname off from my real name. Maybe that's a bit dangerous to put a bit of my real name online, but hey, If I comment on your blog, you could find the location of my IP Address.

 Which leads into another thing I need to tell you, I don't do computer stuff big time, even though my brother-in-laws are big into computer, I'm not. But at least I have some computer knowledge.

 I play Poptropica. I used to play Postopia (now dead). I used to play Millsberry. (Now dead.) I sometimes play Club Penguin. You might find my name there if you look. I really like the Poptropica Help Blog.

 Well, I have lots on my mind, but I should go.

The end of her first blog post, Postopialucy/Yellow Hawk.