Thursday, November 21, 2013

11 months ago.. And my life

Was my last post.
Its cold now. It rained this morning, and it still seems like its around 7:30 A.m. its not. Its noon. But still dreary, cold, wet, and ..cold. Duh. Its fall turning into winter.
I was gone from my home state for a while helping somebody with full time babysitting. During I was gone, I didn't have much computer access, so I didn't get online very often. I haven't really gone back to internet games like Poptropica or even Club Penguin. Or even Runescape - Haven't been there for.. I dunno when.
Maybe its a part of growing up, I sure don't want to grow up, and when I was younger I never wanted to stop playing make believe with my dolls. Except now every time I think about them, I find other things that I'm busy doing.
i haven't really expressed a interest in visiting Club Penguin, maybe I am growing up..whether I want to or not. Although I do miss waddling into the pizza shop and trying to rob that place! I attended a wedding in a igloo once, that was.. kinda boring.
I'm not looking forward to my birthday! I hate the idea of getting older.  I don't wanna turn older and older. Or the half of the life I don't want to think about - jobs and "leaving the nest".

~ Postopialucy

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